Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Kitchen Helpers" Recipe Book

Hey there, Happy Scrappers!  Man, did I miss being on the computer while I was away on a mini vacation.  I have some catching up to do.  I will get to some freebies this week, but for now, I have to show you my new big, digital project for you.  I want to make a book of our family's favourite recipes.  I'm sure it will change after a few years or even a few months!  Ha!  It will be a neat remembrance and also a thoughtful gift.  Most of the recipes are very kid friendly and even sensory sensitive friendly. 

I was looking for a full, versatile, not too cute, kitchen kit. I finally found what I was looking for at Just So Scrappy.  Not only was it just what I wanted, but it was only $1.50!  You know me.  I don't pay a lot for my kits and when I find a great deal, I want to share it with other people , who like me, have a very tight budget.  There were tons of kits at $1.50 and the three kits I bought were FULL of hundreds of goodies.  For me, the bigger the better.

Without further ado,  here are the first few pages of my recipe book.

I'm thinking this is looking pretty good so far and I am also now a permanent fan of Just So Scrappy.  You can find them on Facebook and the web at:

1 comment:

  1. Well once again a perfect idea only thing is
    if my book looked like this all I would want too
    do is look at it and not cook or bake haha!lol
