Friday, January 24, 2025
Visiting Zandvoort in The Netherlands and a Free Dutch Design
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Grilling, Getting the Kids to Cook, Keeping It Simple, Belgian Butchers, Quality Products and Buying Local and in Flanders
If ya want to make things easier on yourself and help your children get them cooking. All summer, I teach them how to make new things and throughout the year, they have to cook them. I have children with Autism and they are pretty great in the kitchen. Don't let any kind of disability get in the way. At least give it a few tries. I do like to keep an eye out on the youngest who needs a little help most of the time. It takes some patience, but it really is important. Kids love feeling independent and I love a break from cooking. So, it's a win win.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Your First Free Digital Scrapbooking Template for 2025 and Why You Need Digital Templates In Your Scrapping Life
Welcome to The Cherry On Top.
Whoo hoo! I'm starting off 2025 with this beautiful, new template and it is free. My plan ... Hehehe... Is to share a free template, the first of every month. I'm still going to try to squeeze in Freebie Friday and I'll continue blogging travel and food with a scrappy twist.
It's in my agenda to blog my stove top beef tips on Sunday. Come on back, get a great recipe and maybe learn a thing or two about shopping healthy and shopping smart.
Thanks a million for hanging with The Cherry.
Happy scrapping!
Friday, January 10, 2025
Winter Birdie Freebie 2 A Sneak Peek of an Upcoming Free Dutch Mini and Scrapbook Inspiration
I totally forgot about the second winter birdie design I promised. So me! I apologize. I did write in my notes that I totally need to organize an outline for this blog. There is so much to share.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Free Printable Labels and Cleaning Tips for Polishing Granite Countertops and More
Welcome to The Cherry On Top.
I've done an entire series on laundry. This is the first one on the Do's and Don'ts of Laundry. This one is all about planing your laundry room or space, if you don't have a laundry room. I don't have a laundry room either. Boo! I was doing the laundry in the garage, but double ugh. Belgian weather is not ideal for this. Especially, when the garage is not connected to the house nor heated. In the summer it is ideal because I hang my laundry on the line.
We recently redid our bathroom so I can put the machines in there. We ditched the big bath tub which freed up enough space to stack the machines. We bought one of those condenser dryers and I absolutely HATE it. I never use it. It's incredibly noisy. It makes the room damp. It takes forever and sometimes, it doesn't even dry the darn laundry! I hang the wet laundry on a rolling clothes rack and or a folding rack and place it in front of the fireplace or by an open window in the bedroom. Drying in front of the fire goes really fast. Certainly faster than the da'gum condenser dryer. Hehehe...Can ya just imagine how much energy we save?