Welcome to The Cherry On Top.
I actually took a week off, last week. I've not done that too many times over the many years of this blog's existence. Hehehe...So you better believe I'm back with a BIG, totally scrap-a-licious entry. I just told my team I was so thrilled with their pages. I couldn't stop smiling as I was putting this blog together. I hope you like it half as much as I.
We've got new templates, some serious layout love for them, previously released templates and pages from other designer's goodies. I've also got a new challenge in the group and a coupon code so you can grab the new templates at a discount. Enjoy!
A scrappy sister sent me a few sketches of what she wanted as digital templates and that's how several of these templates came about. A few I sketched out myself months ago and finally got around to designing. This first one was such a blast to design, though I will admit, it took me a long time to get just the right patterns, solids, backgrounds together...then it was smooth sailing from there. I just don't like a page that is too busy and with a lot of different colors and patterns. My mind is cluttered enough so I need my pages to be less spazzy. Hehehe...
I recently came across these adorable pictures of my boys and their cousins, thanks to FB and there flashbacks. I loved the contrast of expressions when my boys received a kiss from their niece. Hilarious! Of course, JJ had his typical "Autistic" expressionless look.
These template need a designer with awesome papers. So you know, I jumped right to my gal Aimee Harrison. She's got a new collection out that is so bright and fun, I couldn't resist Pineapple Express. If it's totally your kind of 'thang. keep reading, I've got another page with it.
No what I love about templates and maybe you too, is that the designer has taken all of the time for the hard parts! Hehehe...That is totally what happened on this page. The template took me a really long to design, but the page scrapped up in mere minutes flat. I used our Optimism Collection for this page. I love the masculinity and youthfulness of this collection.
Tammy totally rocked this pack of templates. She played with three of them and as usual, they are jaw droppers. She also confessed to how fast they scrapped up. When you see them, you won't believe that she didn't spend an afternoon on them.
Like this one with our little cutie...Is she just not the cutest?! Those faces! Find these goodies at the Sweet Shoppe.
Tammy used an amalgamation of goodies from the Sweet Shoppe for this one. If you ever have any specific questions about a page, download it and bring it to our group and ask. The sisters are so, so helpful and always have an answer.
I know, right?! How absolutely exceptional?! These colors are so, so beautiful, too. Ya just know they are from the Sweet Shoppe, again.
Jarmila has worked her magic with BooLand. I'd like to be standing right there!
Ngoc used goodies from Aprilisa. You can find her at GingerScraps.
I miss the Blue Jays and Cardinals. I've not spotted them here in Europe yet. Though there are some lovely replacements. I'm in love with the tiny red (orange to me) breast. He's so darn cute. I've got so many birds at our place in Germany. I fill FOUR feeders in the morning and by lunch they are all empty! Even the crows are starting to hang out at the cafe!
Hilary is a huge Clever Monkey Graphics fan. You can also conveniently find her at Gingerscraps.
If you are like me, a fan of bright colors, then this page from Robin will certainly make you smile and this little lady has me cracking up. As much as I love the digital part of designing and scrapbooking it really is the photos that win the show for me. I love photos and they don't even have to be mine.
Nearly as much as I love bright colors, I love denim. Nothing like an awesome fitting pair of blue jeans, right?! I love what Rachelle from Bits N' Pieces has done with her page. She used goodies from Just So Scrappy. I so love Katie's kits and collections.
I've got a page from scrappy sister Dorian this week. She's also showing off her little man who is actually quite the big man, now. Hehehe...I love going back to old pics, though. Especially, since the boys are so big now. Don't get me wrong, I love watching them grow and I really appreciate that they are becoming so independent. Scrapping kids, teens, adults, pets and various occasions makes the hobby so much more interesting.
I've got a COUPON of 30% off the Ecstatic templates for one week only!
Use code TCOTECSTATIC and save!
I've got some new printables in the shop for our hybrid and traditional fans. If you are a planner fan these might be just right for you as well. I'm in a few groups for planners and there were a lot of people looking for things dealing with mental issues. There were also some requests for more masculine content. After all, guys can have cool planners too, right?! I thought our Optimism collection would be perfect for these.

So I designed some dashboards in Personal size. Though you could size them anyway you want.
There are also three pages of stickers. I designed all the printable pages on an 8x11 inch sheet so they will easily go through all kinds of computers around the world. There are png and jpg formats for the stickers so if your cutting machine is png compatible, you can run them through there.
I told you earlier I had another page with Pineapple Express. Here it is! My mo-la at their place in Spain. If you're a fan of ours, you've seen this view a lot. Hehehe...Mmmm...Spain!
This is a page using our Colorful templates and what inspired me to make the rest of the pack. Unicorns and Rainbows from Aimee was used and those are my fabulous peonies, which I recently found out were edible. So are roses! I've been making rose water, potpourri...Can't wait to try rose jam, but I've made SO much jam from the berries, it'll take all year to eat it.
LouCee also had a fabulous release last week, Sugar and Spice. I'm so in love with all of this girly delight. That mason jar of hearts and the little lady are so fab. I scrapped up my girlfriend's little beauty.
I've got a few more pages to show off that have come in later. Nothing wrong with using the same templates or pack of templates over and over, right?! Scrappy Sister Jenni has been totally abusing both our packs of Planned templates and I'm loving the results. This is the kind of abuse that I can totally appreciate. Hehehe...She's another jaw dropping creative artist.
I've got several new pages in using our Love Always templates.
Just take a gawk at this one!
Ngoc also played with a few of our templates from Love Always and A Reason To Celebrate.
These colors and the setting are so beautiful and inspiring. I love seeing so much of Ngoc's life. How awesome of her to share it with us.
Danica scrapped her star in some seriously refreshing goodies.
More from Ngoc and A Reason To Celebrate. You don't have to scrap romantic or wedding pics with our, A Reason To Celebrate collection.
Jump over to the group, click on the photos tab, click on the July Album, then read the Recipe in the album's description. Scrap up a page using our free goodies from all of the previous month's challenges and place your page back in the July album. At the end of the month, I'll send around a link for this free template for your participation.
Shoo wee! That was a big one. I'm so glad you joined us and I hope to see you in our group.
Happy scrapping!