Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Simple Paper Wreath Tutorial

Hello Happy Scrappers!

Here's a simple paper project idea for ya. I saw it on the TipJunkie's blog. I love that blog! They have a lot of freebies and tons of great ideas. This is a rendition of one of their many tutorials on paper wreaths. It looked simple and guess what? It was! I had this puppy finished from top to bottom in under 2 hours. Can you believe it?!

As you can see in this photo below, I used a very rigid piece of cardboard that I kept from the backing of calendar packing. I nearly went through my entire kitchen looking for just the right size circle. Every plate, pot lid and salad bowl. Finally, I got the right size for the outside of the circle and then a lid from a pot for the inside of the circle. I just eyeballed it as usual, penciled around the edges and cut it out with my kitchen shears.  

TIP: I cut the large circle all the way through for easier and more accurate cutting, then taped it up when I was finished. The tape will be covered up by the circles anyway.

Below you will see the stash I chose. I was just looking for things with like, harvest colors. Nothing too modern or rigid, but more softer natural things. I didn't use all of this stuff, but thought you might be interested in the process of choosing embellishments for your projects. This is how I do it. Tip: I group all of my papers and embellishments in some kind of color order and style set. Stickers, ribbons, letters, frames, etc.

I used a gorgeous paper from this fantastic collection from Simple Stories.  This was one of those collections that I saw in a magazine, Creatief Met Fotos and I had to have it.  Someone on their staff made a brilliant scrapbook using this collection and I plan on pretty much swiping the entire idea. It was brilliant! This is an excellent sample of all the goodies you get in the set. For me, it was a must have. As you know, I rarely buy anything that is not on sale, but I just couldn't resist.

Here are all of the papers I used.  When choosing my papers, I took the Destinations pack with me to my enormous Pamper's box full of papers, Tip: which is conveniently organized by rainbow colors for faster searching. I pulled colors out of the collection that were as close as possible to those in the collection and chose the gold for a bit of blingy glamour and warmth.

Below you can see the cardboard circle is nearly covered by the brown and burgundy circle base. Notice the pattern? Over and under. You can choose any pattern you like or none at all, but I played around with it and thought this pattern looked the best.  I used double sided tape, right in the middle so that it wouldn't go over the edges and stick to everything else.  It also leaves a lot of room if you choose to slide another circle slightly under another.

You can see the design paper from the collection. Most of the papers are plain for this project and I wanted one, good, design paper that would help make it pop. I used my handy, Fiskars shape cutter which cut a ton of time off of the project. (Punny, eh?)

Here are some of the embellishments for on the wreath.  Some are from the Destinations package (The heart, 100% Real Life Ticket and the Good Times Ticket.) and some are from my own stash. All keeping with a Fall theme and all warm and cozy colors.

 The wreath is really coming along nicely. All of the circles have been cut in various sizes and with different, coordinating papers. I thought the circles with no centers was a neat touch and I only used a few. The base was planned and thought out, but for the rest of the layering circles, I just moved them around until I got the look I liked. I did the same binding technique as I did for the base circles so I could slide underneath another circle.  I fooled around with the few embellishments I used until the desired look was achieved and designed the two circles that dangle from the top.

Also displayed for you are the adhesive supplies I used. In the bottom right hand corner is my center-less circle with tiny Glue Dots. Just make sure that the Glue Dots end up adhering to paper. TIP: If ya goofed a little, which we all do at times, then rip off a small piece of the paper backing from the Glue Dots and stick on the dot or part of the dot that is not adhered to paper. This way it won't stick any more.

Choose a ribbon to dangle or hang. A wreath hanger could work or use a few Glue Dots to hang your wreath. It's really, really light. Voila!

 If you want to add a more personal touch to your craft, then add some family photos like I did here, below.

Thanks again for checking out my blog.  I also have a FaceBook Page that I keep up to date, daily.  Feel free to comment or post on my wall.  Hope to see you there and join us again for a new blog.  I have a super, duper, girly purse I made that poses as a mini scrapbook.  You have to check it out!

Thanks for hanging with The Cherry!

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