Sunday, August 9, 2015

More Meatless Lunch Ideas For Kids

Welcome to The Cherry On Top.

We understand the challenge of making the kid's lunch.  Not only should it not be time consuming, it should be healthy and of course, the kids need to like it.  Not easy!  Especially, when you want to keep changing things up so you hit all of those vitamins and minerals essential for our kids health.

Here are two more, different lunches I made the last week of school.

To my delight, my oldest is now crazy about potato salad.  Yay!  These were red potatoes with the skin left on in a simple sauce of mayo, sour cream, crushed, dried garlic and herbs.  We had left overs and in place of a sandwich, I put them in a small dish.  Served it up with washed, raw carrots, cherry tomatoes, a box of real juice and one of those lovely fruit compotes without sugar.

Elementary aged children only need a couple of grams of meat in an entire day.  Click here for a graph on nutritional information for kids. Skipping meat in the lunch is always an option.  I put some nice crackers in there with large slices of raw carrots, a fruit compote without sugar or sweeteners and juice also without the sweet stuff.

Our kids also get snacks at school.  So, this meal isn't the only thing he'll be eating in the 8 hours he's at school.  The chunks of meat often come back because he eats all of the other things first.  Cheese chunks are also a nice touch.

Just a couple more lunches to add to your repertoire.  If you're looking for more ideas check out our other entries like this one as well as our Pinterest board, Lunch For The Lil' Ones.

Feel free to share your lunch ideas.

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