Welcome to The Cherry On Top,
We've got new templates in the shop, pages and pages of inspiration, you new, free calendar for January and more free scrapbooking goodies you're sure to love. That's what we do on Fridays at The Cherry.
I've sketched out these templates months ago and finally finished them all up. I was aiming for light and airy colours and elements both long and wide and this is what came out. I was by no means aiming for a baby look, but it did come out that way. Hehehe...I must say, none of the pages have babies in mind. Not like that's a bad thing. These templates will be great to scrap up the little ones.
Check out what we did and make our templates your own.
I went totally literal with this template. I checked out my finder on my computer for balloons and many different kits came up, but I chose Kim Cameron's, Perchance To Dream. Isn't it just perfect? Can you just imagine how fast this pretty page was scrapped up?
Hilary did a beautiful job with this unique template. I gave several photo spot options in this template and you can delete the ones you don't need or hover and click over the eye, in PSE to make it disappear.
Templates are supposed to give you a boost, but they can also sometimes inspire you or make you say, "Oh! I've got the perfect picture for that template." I love when that happens.
Michal really did a great job on her page. I just wish the little girl looked a bit happier drifting in her pretty balloon. Hehehe...
Go literal, match up templates with a kit that fits perfectly or just go crazy with your own thing, like Tammy did here. I love the mix of my basic template, but a nifty splash of Tammy's own creativity. Moving the balloons and clouds around to fit the page to her desire. Doesn't' this kit look great?
You Lift Me Up and goodies from the Sweet Shoppe
Hilary used our Gnome For Christmas collection for her fun page. What a cutie!
Sometimes you might even recognise the template by the time you've finished! Hehehe...I have that sometimes myself and it really is the beauty of using templates. They are there to get you started and you control where they end.
The next couple of pages use my You LIft Me Up templates and my gal Dana from Made By Keuntje's unique and really fun collection, Dill-Lightful Holidays. Quirky awesomeness!
This page is mine. I couldn't wait to get all of those colours mashed up and got lucky with my pic.
Dill-Lightful Holidays from Made By Keuntje
Have you grabbed your present from the blog?
This is what I did with the template. I made my E-Card for this year.
free template
Tammy did her usual magic.
free template
As promised, I've got your free monthly calendar for January ready. Newsletter subscribers will get this calendar with a blank spot for the photo, like a quick page. If you'd prefer that, then sign up for the newsletter. Subscribers also got a look at the Pretty As A Peacock kit AND a fabulous coupon for it. Make sure you subscribe to the newsletter to get exclusive deals.
Right click and save this image for your Personal Use ONLY or click here.
If you follow The Cherry Page on Facebook, then you'll be familiar with Poki's freebies. If not, allow me to introduce you to her. She's a super scrappy sister with a very active blog full of pretty scrapbooking freebies. These are two of her latest freebies and there are a lot more over there. Take a visit and add some beauties to your digital stash, today.

I hope you enjoy your calendar and that you take a look in our shop.
I wish you the happiest, healthful and most prosperous of New Years!
Happy scrapping!