Welcome to The Cherry On Top.
Read on to see my organising method, get a glimpse at repurposing old templates, enjoy some sweet layout love, view a few of Aimee Harrison's newest kits and grab a free template, too.
Take a look at that beautiful image. For the new year, I'm slimming down my digital stash and making an attempt at organising some of it. I'm off to an excellent start in the template department. I don't know how you organise your stash and you are more than welcome to share it in the comments or refer us to your blog where you explain, but here's what I did.
Typically, I start off with my gallery which shows off a particular kit or a compilation of kits and when I'm not automatically inspired, I head to my Templates folder which was a disaster. Hundreds of templates just thrown in there with all of the junk from those pesky blue folders. Hehehe...
I wanted to see ALL of my templates at a glance. The blue folders and all of those abbreviations didn't help at all and it wastes time, too. I decided that at least once a week, I'd spend a minimum of 20 minutes re organising my digital stash and getting rid of a lot of stuff as well.
I still want to do my pictures. That is my biggest time suck. Both organising thousands of pictures and getting rid of duplicates, too. Another department that needs thinning is my Commercial Use. Once again, I'm on the hunt for something and all I see are those blue folders, again. I'd like to do it somewhat similar to this, but organise in a couple of folders as well because there is just so much.
I started off with templates because I thought it might be the easiest. Hehehe...Call me crazy, but I only kept the tiff files and ditched everything else. I don't use png files and psd files are larger and take up more space. If you just pull up your template you want to work with and duplicate it and save as something else, you're set. You can still use it over and over.
If you don't like this method or are looking for something else, here are a couple of other links for you to investigate:
This one looks totally awesome and I saw a FREEBIE tab, too. Hehehe...
That should help get you on your way to time saving and space saving your stash.
Here's another screen shot of one of those lovely templates. This one is from Aimee Harrison Designs and it's a part of her 360 collection for January. I fudged with it, of course. I rarely keep my templates 100 in tact. I often blow up the photo spots and rearrange things or delete embellishments if there are too, many. Customisation is key and it's also a way to keep using those templates, but still look completely different.
Here is what it used to look like. Make the changes and make it perfect for you.
This is the finished product. How could I shrink these lovely, precious and rare family photos of my parents with JJ? Hehehe...Ah, my old, purple kitchen.

I'll show off a couple more layouts with Aimee Harrison Designs. This one also uses the January 360 collection. I pulled out all of the purple. Yes, it's my favourite colour, too.

Comfort And Joy is the name of this gorgeous kit from Aimee Harrison Designs. Aren't these colours just fabulous? Another fun family photo of the kid's table at Christmas.

Since we're already on the topic of templates, how about a free one? We've got loads of free templates on our blog. Hit up our beautifully, visual Pinterest board and you can see all of our free stuff and they are conveniently linked up to the corresponding blog with the download links. That's easy enough, right?
Click on the image to get to do the download.
This was my inspiration for the free template. Aimee's kit, Richly Inspired. More warm, rich fabulous colours and classic elements. Perfect for Tante Anita's Birthday Bash Book.
Still wanting more free stuff? Head over to Aimee's Facebook Page and grab these THREE lovely freebies.
Still not enough? Visit Aimee's blog and find even more. Still not enough?! Sign up for the newsletter also at the blog and be done with you. Hehehe...
How awesome was this blog?! Some killer organising tips, super layout loving AND a FREE TEMPLATE. Aren't you so glad you stopped by The Cherry? GOOD! Make sure you do it, again. Hehehe....
We've got a super hot blog in the making with EPIC FREEBIES! I think I better switch to decaf, don't you? Hehehe...
Have a super day. Thanks so much for checking out The Cherry.
Happy scrapping!
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