I'm so stoked that you're here, visiting The Cherry. I love templates and design them all of the time. I've been at it for nearly two years now. My, how time flies. In the beginning, I was just giving them away because I had no idea what I was doing. I have learned a couple of tricks now and teamed up with Paty Greif Digital Designer and we opened a shop, Kreative Design Studio where I sell my templates. I do still have several FREE TEMPLATES throughout this blog. I have taken the links down for some as well. If you are totally bummed that you missed all of these fabulous freebies, then by all means, follow us here, on Pinterest and Facebook so you don't miss any more. I've got a super nifty group on Facebook where I give you first peeks, have give aways and other special freebies I don't offer anywhere else.
This template is no longer free. Check out inspiration and see some new goodies in our shop. I've also got the new hybrid freebie at the bottom.

This is my template for you. I'm sure you have the perfect picture for it. Layer up some gorgeous papers in these banners and back them up with several of your favourite papers to add extra depth and dimension to your page.
This is what I've done with the template. I used Paty Greif Digital Designer's gorgeous Be Jolly collection. I'm a sucker for traditional Christmas colours and goodies and my little guy looks so darn cute.
Rae has totally done up the template with a kit from Kristin Cronin-Barrow, Country Charm.
Check out all of these beautiful templates from the ladies on our train. I'm a bit besides myself with all of these free templates.
Allow me to show off my templates that are in the shop. Above, You Rock!!! for your photos of gnarly boys, cool dudes and dudettes and pictures with pow! Just 1.79 for THREE templates!
Revel In Ribbons templates have been pretty successful so far. I LOVE them! It's so hard to pick a favourite, but I think I'm going for the one I show off in the preview at Christmas. Get a glimpse at some awesome inspiration from my lovely ladies.
Magalie used a kit from Regina Falango and made something so special. How beautiful?!

And my gal Rae works absolute magic in her designs. Just look at this gorgeousness!
Simply Circles templates are great for your multiple photo layouts or for showing off beautiful papers and they are just 1.79 for THREE!
Ella also does fantastic work. Making magic with Cherry templates, indeed!
Here are the newest templates in the shop! They are also just 1.79! There are psd, png, tif and page formats.
If you are all about the FREE TEMPLATES, hit up this blog and many more. (There are a couple of downloads linked up to my server which has been down for a bit. Of course, while I'm on vacation and can do nothing about it. They will be back up soon.)
This is a fun template for you and it's free for a limited time.
I used LouCee Creations, Winter's Lace for this. Check out her blog for fun coordinating freebies.
Throwing Some Scraps Around will be sponsoring my monthly hybrid calendar freebies for 2017. Jodi's kits are phenomenal. I feel like some of my very best scrapbooking comes from her gorgeous kits. She's got an amazing membership deal going on. A full year of digital scrabooking kits AND templates for just $25! You should totally go over to her blog, check out her super designs and great templates then bank on this fabulous deal. (You could type in "Throwing Some Scraps Around" in the search field at the top of this blog and see just how much I use Jodi's goodies and what I do with them.)
Right click and download this pretty calendar. Print it out or use it for your desk top if you like.
You have been such an awesome part of our day. I hope we made your day more awesome, too!
If you get lost or I messed up with the links, jump back to Jodi's blog. She'll have a list there, too.
HERE is your link for the free template in psd, png and tif files. HERE is the link for PAGE format. Yip! We've got Page format now, too.
Thanks so much for stopping by The Cherry.
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