Welcome back to The Cherry On Top.
We've got more page inspiration for you with our new templates comfortably housed in the GingerScraps shop this month. I played with a lot of goodies from the November buffet there. If you are not familiar with the buffet, it's when several of the designers at Gingerscraps collaborate and design their own goodies with the same color palette so that customers can pick and choose packs from various designers and come up with a build your own, colossal kit. Go over to GingerScraps and checkout out.
Here are some pages I've done with Key Lime Digi Designs buffet goodies, Top O' The Frost and my templates, Fashionista.
This pack of templates was the team's favorite and I can see why. What a great job they did with them.
This is my page. I was not into that little star bust in the corner so I totally ditched it. Hehehe...Never be afraid to change up our templates. Whatever it takes to make your page awesome. I guess you can see I totally love Clever Monkey Graphics collection, Boy, Oh boy! This is my 6th page with it. I can nearly make an album. Hehehe...Oh! AND the bundle is also on sale 30% off. You are so going to love it! (Pop over to our group and see what other pages the ladies designed and maybe grab some coordinating freebies?)
Look at all of these fantastic pages from the team.
Here is another of mine with me and the hubs and Aimee Harrison's gorgeous collection You and Me. I love these colors. I needed them in these times of rain, cool and grey. Warms me right up!
Cherry scraps some amazing pages, right?!
Here's one of my favorite packs, Tag! You're It! Look what we've done with these!
Here's a page of mine using a Christmas themed kit from last year by my go to gal, Aimee Harrison, Christmas Blessings. I LOVe this kit and will definitely visit it again this year.
Here's another adorable kit in the buffet from LouCee Creations, You A Moose Me. SO cute!

From the newsletter. Sign up before Friday! From the group Nov Challenge
Thanks so much for coming back. We sure were busy this week! Things might slow back to normal after this, but ya never know! I'm in the middle of a collaboration, I've got more ideas than time to design them, Black Friday is not that far away and Christmas is right around the corner!
Hey, if you ever have an idea that you'd like us to try out, feel free to give us a shout. We often design personalized templates for our customers. Hit us up here or in the group.
Happy Scrapping!
We've got more page inspiration for you with our new templates comfortably housed in the GingerScraps shop this month. I played with a lot of goodies from the November buffet there. If you are not familiar with the buffet, it's when several of the designers at Gingerscraps collaborate and design their own goodies with the same color palette so that customers can pick and choose packs from various designers and come up with a build your own, colossal kit. Go over to GingerScraps and checkout out.
Here are some pages I've done with Key Lime Digi Designs buffet goodies, Top O' The Frost and my templates, Fashionista.
I guess you can see where the inspiration came from with my hand drawn template pack, Fashionista.
This is another page of mine using Top O' The Frost and my templates, Whimsical.
Look what gorgeous pages my team has made with Whimsical.
Here's another new pack of templates and they are definitely a favorite. You are going to love the page inspiration. I've explained in Friday's blog about the folded shadows on some of these templates. You cannot actually adjust and customize the folded shadows. You'll have to either play with the overlay mode to use them or buy them yourself and add them. Pop over to that blog to find out more. I just think it's cool to show you what kind of pages you can design with our templates.
This is my page with Key Lime Digi Designs kit, When Pigs Fly. Sandy's even put this adorable collection on sale for the occasion and over 60% off!. She's the sweetest!
You can play with various modes to get the shadow to show through.
Even without the shadows, your page will still look awesome!
Just how inspiring this magnificent pages are?! I canNOT wait to scrap again with all of thee templates.
I think the jar is so fun!
Jarmila went with a totally different take on the template. Instead of fiddling with all of those leaves she just made this enormous, layered cluster and it looks fantastic. That's the beauty of templates. We're just going you a kick start to your page. Make it yours!
This pack of templates was the team's favorite and I can see why. What a great job they did with them.
This is my page. I was not into that little star bust in the corner so I totally ditched it. Hehehe...Never be afraid to change up our templates. Whatever it takes to make your page awesome. I guess you can see I totally love Clever Monkey Graphics collection, Boy, Oh boy! This is my 6th page with it. I can nearly make an album. Hehehe...Oh! AND the bundle is also on sale 30% off. You are so going to love it! (Pop over to our group and see what other pages the ladies designed and maybe grab some coordinating freebies?)
Look at all of these fantastic pages from the team.
Cherry scraps some amazing pages, right?!
Here's Jenni's page and LouCee Creations adorable kit.
Here's a page of mine using a Christmas themed kit from last year by my go to gal, Aimee Harrison, Christmas Blessings. I LOVe this kit and will definitely visit it again this year.
Here's another adorable kit in the buffet from LouCee Creations, You A Moose Me. SO cute!
Another really versatile kit in the buffet, is this one from JoCee. It's Denim and Diamonds. A girl's favorite, right? But look! I scrapped my boys with it! AND I didn't use a template. Hehehe...
Here are some freebies we've got in circulation. Make sure you haven't missed out on them.

From the newsletter. Sign up before Friday! From the group Nov Challenge
Thanks so much for coming back. We sure were busy this week! Things might slow back to normal after this, but ya never know! I'm in the middle of a collaboration, I've got more ideas than time to design them, Black Friday is not that far away and Christmas is right around the corner!
Hey, if you ever have an idea that you'd like us to try out, feel free to give us a shout. We often design personalized templates for our customers. Hit us up here or in the group.
Happy Scrapping!