Welcome to The Cherry On Top.
We are up to our usual week of scrappy goodness. Traditional Tuesday, Freebie Friday and Hybrid Saturday are all back on track. Whoo hoo! Summers are kind of slow in the digital scrapbooking realm and I've felt the difference on the first of September and thank goodness for that! It's nice to have this routine from September through June. The kids will beg to differ. Hehehe...I hope you've had an enjoyable summer. We sure did.
We've got a lot of new goods in the shop, show stopping inspiration a look at our new free template and a chance to win our newest, unreleased templates, "Falling". Though, I dread the prospect of chilly, cloudy rainy days. We had quite a few of those this summer. It's time to put away the flip flops and break out the scarves.
Enjoy Freebie Friday with The Cherry On Top.
I was inspired after seeing a pretty cool layout on Pinterest and I had no idea just HOW COOL these templates really are until I and my team started using them. Check out some new inspiration and see another side to these versatile, artsy templates.
Tammy ditched a few of the squares on one of our templates, totally customising her page. Looks super great to me. That's exactly what you should do with your templates. Make them meet your needs with the necessary alterations.
Hip 2B Square templates and Great Outdoors from Kristin Cronin-Barrow
Here's one of my pages with the new templates and LouCee Creations new collection, Once Upon A Dream. Keep scrolling to see her freebie.
I was so inspired by Lou's kit, I used it to pimp up my Facebook Page profile and wall pics.

Hilary has scrapped up a storm of a page with our new templates. Check out how she used the squares as a paper layer! Isn't that so cool?! I did find the first template a touch challenging when using the blocks as a photo spot. THIS technique might make it a lot easier.
Here's another one of Hilary's fab pages.
Are you feeling a bit of a chill in the air in your neck of the woods? It's not too bad here yet, but I have noticed the changing in the leaves already.
Check out Julie's gorgeous page showing just that.
Hip 2B Square Templates and Falling Into Autumn from Akizo Designs
I'm a bit dodgy with my Traditional Tuesday blogs. Hehehe...I'm often trying my best to coax readers to give hybrid and digital scrapbooking a try. There are truly so many advantages to this. Knowing how to do all three styles of scrapbooking, digital, hybrid and traditional will make you the most talented, well rounded scrapper you can be. It can save you time, money, hassle and heart break. If you want to read more about that, join us on Tuesdays.
This past Tuesday, I shared this free png template so that traditional and hybrid scrappers might join The Cherry in our challenge, digital to traditional. There are three installations to this challenge. Skip on over to the first installation, pick up your free template and join us in the challenge.
This is no longer free. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and so you don't miss any free stuff.
I've shared several tips and tricks on how to use these templates as well as general scrapbooking information great for any level of scrapper.
Here's my finished result. There is a step by step for the entire process, in three parts. You just got a glimpse of the last part.
We've got new goodies in the shop that coordinate with our newest collection, Trolla Bolla. The papers, elements and quick pages are already in there. Be sure to enjoy those introductory prices, too!
There are new clusters and title art available, too.

My gal Paty has a nifty new collection out, Let's Flamingle! I've scrapped it up with Throwing Some Scraps Around newest templates, Blurred Lines. My friends take the best pictures, don't they? This particular family does an extraordinary job and I'm always stealing their pictures. I must admit, the lovely daughters make it really fun. I can finally use pink which has been nixed from my boys pages upon their request. Hehehe...
Let's Flamingle and Blurred Line from Throwing Some Scraps Around
Here's what the entire collection looks like in a glance.
If you are all signed up for our newsletter, you'll be the proud owner of our newest, free template. My first template that coordinates with this one, was such a hit, I thought I'd show my thanks by making you another one.
This is no longer free. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and so you don't miss any free stuff.
newsletter free template, sign up at the top of this blog or on our FB Page
If free stuff is your thing, than you certainly are in the right place! Here's another newer freebie found in the group on Facebook.
Also in the group, you'll find a place for you to comment and win our unreleased templates, Falling.
I haven't been in my traditional scrappy place for quite a while and I saw why...OMG! What a disaster!
You are all caught up with the newest happenings of The Cherry. I hope you decide to join us in our group and our traditional scrap challenge.
See ya tomorrow for Hybrid Saturday. I'll have more fun, free crafty stuff for you!