Sunday, July 5, 2015

Give A Chore Chart A Try

Welcome to The cherry On Top.

School is finally finished and I plan on putting the kids to work.  I'd also like for them to read and practice some basic school exercises and do some yoga with me.  Ha!  Wishful thinking, right?!  Then I had this idea.  Not just a chart, but displaying the goody they will get when the chart is full.  Both my boys have Autism and like a lot of kids they are very stubborn.  It is extremely difficult to get them to do chores and homework.  

This method of actually showing them the prize has worked wonderfully.  My youngest wouldn't be able to stand waiting for 30 points.  So, I give him smaller prizes.  It takes at least two days for them to get the treat.  They are after me asking me for more chores to do.  Hehehe...

They get a sticker at the end of the day, if they were really well behaved and nice to each other.  They get stickers for reading with me or on their own.  For vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning off the table, helping with laundry, picking berries, caring for the animals...Spontaneous stickers are a real treat for them.  If they do something super special on their own and you tell them they will get a sticker for that, they love it.

I left my document in a format where I could go in and change the points.  You may want to consider starting off small and see how it goes.  This will be just a summer thing unless it keeps working so well and the kids are ok with it.

Click on the image below for more ideas over on Pinterest.


Thanks for checking us out. We've got a couple other posts dedicated to kid's lunch ideas and here, getting picky eaters to eat good food and tips on hosting or attending a party with Autistic kids.

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